شكّل سامي رقم الطّوارئ تسعة واحد واحد.

English Translation

Sami dialled 911.

Sure, here is the breakdown of the sentence “شكّل سامي رقم الطّوارئ تسعة واحد واحد” word by word:

  • شكّل (shak-kal) - formed
  • سامي (sa-mee) - Sami (a male name)
  • رقم (raq-am) - number
  • الطّوارئ (at-ta-waa-ru’i) - emergency
  • تسعة (tis-a’) - nine
  • واحد (waa-hid) - one
  • واحد (waa-hid) - one

So, the sentence literally means “Sami formed the emergency number nine one one.” In English, we would say “Sami dialed 911.”

Here are some additional notes about the sentence:

  • The word شكّل (shak-kal) can also mean “to create” or “to shape.” In this context, it means “to dial” a phone number.
  • The word رقم (raq-am) is a masculine noun, so it takes the definite article الـ (al-).
  • The word الطّوارئ (at-ta-waa-ru’i) is a feminine noun, so it takes the definite article التاء (at-taa-).
  • The numbers تسعة (tis-a’) and واحد (waa-hid) are both masculine nouns, so they take the definite article الـ (al-).

I hope this helps!

English Translation

Sami dialled 911.

شَكَّلَ (shakkala) – “Dialed” or “formed.” In this context, it means “dialed” and is the past tense verb.
سامِي (Sami) – The subject of the sentence, the person who performed the action.
رَقْمَ (raqma) – “Number,” the direct object of the verb. It is in the accusative case because it is the thing being dialed.
الطَّوَارِئِ (al-ṭawāriʾ) – “Emergency,” a noun in the genitive case because it is part of an “iḍāfa” (construct phrase), meaning “the emergency number.”
تِسْعَةَ وَاحِدٍ وَاحِدٍ (tis‘ata wāḥid wāḥid) – “Nine one one” (911), which is the emergency number being dialed.

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