English Translation
Death is preferable to dishonor.
Does this not mean “death is dishonest”?
Death is preferable to dishonor.
Does this not mean “death is dishonest”?
Check out the sentence source. The JP-EN pair doesn’t match. So, the source has already cut the link between them.
Moreover, 死ぬ事は不正直である, particularly the 死ぬ事は part sounds very unnatural in Japanese.
Death is preferable to dishonor. = 不誠実より死の方がましだ。(pron. ふせいじつよりしのほうがましだ) or 不誠実に生きるくらいなら死んだ方がましだ。
Death is dishonest. = 死とは不誠実を意味する。(pron. しとはふせいじつをいみする; literal meaning: Dying means being dishonest.)