
English Translation

We cannot deny that he is honest.

“Gainsay”? Really? How many native english speakers even know this word, I had to look it up

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The sentence pair was imported from Tanaka Corpus. Read the warning of Tanaka Corpus here. The Corpus contains many unnatural expressions both in English and Japanese.

The Japanese sentence also sounds unnatural to my native Japanese ears. And I really don’t understand what the original author tried to say with the double negation phrase in English.

But let me give you some correct JP-EN pairs for your additional drills. Feel free to add them to your personal collection if you like.

彼は誠実な人だと言われているが、私には判断がつかない。= I cannot judge whether he is such a honest guy as other people praise. / I cannot counterargue to someone’s observation on his honesty.

彼の誠実な人柄は否定できない。= We shouldn’t ignore his honesty. – e.g., Taking into account his honest, the judge reduced his sentence. In this case, the judge would say 誠実な人柄は否定できない.

彼は紛れもなく正直者だ。= I have no doubt that he is a honest man. / He is definitely a honest guy.

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