
English Translation

It becomes an ingrained habit.

Jisho.org says that 習い性 is pronounced ならいしょう, but then has the phrase 習い性となる with the reading ならいせいとなる. Is this true?

習い性になる is pronounced ならいせい. I recommend you to use Japanese-Japanese dictionaries such as goo辞書 sourced from 小学館‘s 大辞泉 and コトバンク.

As both of the JP-JP dictionaries explain, the sentence structure is 習い + 性になる(i.e. particle が is dropped from 習いが性になる. That’s a typical form of proverbs and axioms.) There is no 習い性 as a compound word like 凝り性 (pron. こりしょう; meaning: perfectionist). Therefore, 習い性になる isn’t pronounced ならいしょう.