English Translation
My father has five brothers and sisters.
How does this differ from saying “父には5人の兄弟がいます。” or “父は兄弟が5人います。”?
My father has five brothers and sisters.
How does this differ from saying “父には5人の兄弟がいます。” or “父は兄弟が5人います。”?
The original Japanese-English pair doesn’t match.
父は5人兄弟です。= My father has four (4) siblings. By including himself, the number of them is five (5).
父には5人の兄弟がいます。= My father has five (5) siblings. By including himself, the number of them is six (6).
父は兄弟が5人います。==> Dropping particle に sounds unnatural.
父には兄弟が5人います is interchangeable with 父には5人の兄弟がいます。