
English Translation

I remember meeting her somewhere.

Why は and not が? Doesn’t the は make it mean, “She has met someone somewhere.”?

Would love to hear a native on this one.

As you know, は introduces the topic. So, to me the literal translation is: as far as she’s concerned, the experience of having met exists.

Therefore, the proper translation depends on the (absent) context, in my view. Could be the one proposed by Clozemaster: I remember meeting her somewhere.

It seems to me that it could also mean She has met him/her somewhere before.

And for the fun of it, I see that the usually proficient Deepl proposes a third translation that I had not thought of: She has been somewhere before. Really? Feels very loose… Oh boy…

DeepL’s translation probably stems from the fact that without kanji, であった may also come from 有る, and not only from 会う.

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