
English Translation

The apple-blossom was touched by the frost.

What is the correct Kanji for “いたんでいた”? Is it 傷んでいた?

Yes, 傷む is the correct Kanji for いたむ in this context. There are two homophones that even native Japanese speakers often get confused with.

  • 痛む – used when it hurts physically or financially and you feel an ache. (e.g., 足が痛む; 懐が痛む (= spent too much money))
  • 傷む – used when it is damaged, spoiled or become useless but you don’t feel an ache. (e.g., 傷んだ果物 (= rotten fruit); 傷んだ髪 (= damaged hair))

Source: Mainichi Kotoba by the professional proofreading team at Mainichi Newspaper (one of the big five national newspapers)