English Translation
Think about this.
The root words of “해봐” are “하다” (to do) and “보다” (to try). “해봐” is a combination of these two verbs, indicating the imperative form “do and try.”
To form the imperative form of other verbs following a similar pattern as “보다,” you would take the verb stem and attach the imperative ending appropriate for the verb’s stem ending. Here are some examples:
Verbs ending in a vowel:
가다 (to go) → 가!
먹다 (to eat) → 먹어!
보내다 (to send) → 보내!
Verbs ending in the consonants 'ㄹ' or 'ㅂ':
듣다 (to listen) → 들어!
받다 (to receive) → 받아!
올리다 (to raise/lift) → 올려!
Verbs ending in a consonant (other than 'ㄹ' or 'ㅂ'):
가르치다 (to teach) → 가르쳐!
보다 (to see) → 봐!
쓰다 (to write) → 써!
some other examples:
먹어봐 (Try eating)
가봐 (Go and see)
보여봐 (Show me)
해봐 (Try doing)
들어봐 (Listen)