
English Translation

The boat sank during the storm.

Is there an error here? Should it not be ボート?

Good catch: boats sink, not boards!

@cstuartroe @Anxos
ボード should be replaced with ボート. But that’s not enough. 嵐の間に is an unnatural robotic word-for-word translation.

I would alternatively propose:


で and せいで are completely interchangeable. Both means “because of”. You can start a sentence by そのボート or 嵐(のせい)で. The word order is flexible.
沈んだ is natural but 沈没した (pron. ちんぼつした) is more frequently used in accident contexts.

You can use ~の間に if there is no direct cause-effect relationship. For example, そのボートは寝ている間に沈没した sounds natural.