
English Translation

I just can’t get along with Tom.

What’s the word そり here? The only dictionary entries I see translate it as “sleigh”

In the Edo period, carpenters used a tool called a plane (also referred to as そり in Japanese) to smooth the surface of timbers. When the plane was properly adjusted, it could smooth the timber surface evenly and nicely. However, if it didn’t fit or wasn’t adjusted correctly, it wouldn’t work well and could even damage the timber.

So, the phrase “そりが合わない” originally referred to a situation where the plane didn’t fit the timber, resulting in a poor fit or poor work. Over time, it came to be used metaphorically to refer to interpersonal relationships that aren’t going well, just like a poorly fitting plane on timber.

English Translation

I just can’t get along with Tom.

So cool! Thanks!