
so, i searched “景気” on jisho.org and it’s uses looked more like “economy” in general than someone’s business venture
shouldn’t the translation be “The economy keeps going from bad to worse”?

景気 refers to either

  1. Trend of macro economy (of a certain country or global)

  2. Trend of micro economy (of a certain industry, company or business line within a company)

コトバンク (Koto Bank) defines 景気 as

(Condition/trend of a particular business or deals. Or, condition of the economic activities of a society as a whole. The terms sometimes refers specifically to booming market condition.)

I give you an example. A regular customer of a bar stops by the bar and asks the owner:

Customer: Hey, how is your business going? = よぉ! 景気はどうだい?

Owner: Well, our business is getting more sluggish. = うーん、景気は悪くなる一方ですよ。

They are apparently talking about his bar business, not the macro economy.

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