Σήμερα κάνει φρικτή ζέστη.

English Translation

It’s awfully hot today.

Google translates φρικτή as freakishly. Perhaps a better word, which Google suggests is φοβερά, meaning terribly, terrifically, awfully, formidably, redoubtably

Both are used to mean ‘terribly hot’, but you are right that φοβερή ζέστη is probably more common. The adjective φρικτός is used in a variety of contexts meaning something like ‘terrible’, so we find φρικτός πόλεμος (terrible war), φρικτός άνθρωπος (terrible person), φρικτός ψεύτης (terrible liar) and so on. It doesn’t really correspond to contexts where English uses freakish.

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