
English Translation

He engages himself in every new project.

Does 何でも communicate “no matter what kind of 計画 it is”?

でも sounds more natural to my native ears although I won’t say 何でも without に is grammatically incorrect.

The simpler sentence would be 彼は計画飛びつく = (lit.) He jumps to and grasps the opportunity of a project (in order to engage himself in).
You always need particle に to indicate the direction of the action. 飛びつく describes a dynamic change of motion, so particle に is the right one.

If you want to add the meaning of “no matter what/any kinds of”, insert ~なら~でも phrase. However, you don’t need to drop particle に.

Re: “project” and 計画, it’s not a good translation. It should be replaced with プロジェクト (frequently used loan word) or 事業. 計画 means “a plan” that has not been executed. However, “a new project” in English is not limited to its planning phase.

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