
English Translation

I owe what I am today to my parents.

I expected 私が今いるのは instead of あるのは. Maybe it is "what I have (my qualities, or my assets), more than what I am?

The original Japanese sentence sounds much more natural than your proposed sentence although yours is probably understood by native speakers.

If you say 私が今いる, it literally means “I currently exist”. In other words, I cannot exist in this world unless my parents are not here. If my parents die tomorrow, my body and soul will also disappear like a melting snowman. However, the sentence doesn’t talk about the existence of a human being. So, replacing ある with いる in this particular context doesn’t make sense.

To make you easier, let me replace 私が今ある with 私が今、このような状態にある (= be in the condition like this). We never ever say ~の状態にいる – this is grammatically broken so as 私が今いるのは両親のお陰です is.
You can find many example sentences with 状態にある here on 英辞郎.

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