האשה יפה.

English Translation

The woman is beautiful.

This sentence is wrong. woman, in Hebrew, is spelt אישה. The second mistake is the sentence is supposed to say, Ha isha YAFA, not yafe.

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With the word, as with many others, there are two possible spellings of the word, one with כתיב חסר (“ktiv haser”, “lean” spelling) and one with כתיב מלא (“ktiv male”, “full” spelling). The sentence uses כתיב חסר, while you’re used to seeing כתיב מלא, where certain vowels are represented by so-called “matres lectionis” (the consonants ו and י). Here’s a relevant Wikipedia page: Ktiv hasar niqqud - Wikipedia . As for the audio, my guess is that it’s using a text-to-speech engine rather than audio recorded by a human, and the engine is not capable of performing the grammatical analysis required to differentiate between “yafa” and “yafe” (which are spelled the same in Hebrew unless ניקוד is used). I don’t know whether the TTS engine’s computation can be overridden on a case-by-case basis, and even if it can, I don’t know whether Clozemaster can do it.