
English Translation

My hair has grown too long.

Could I also say, 僕の髪は長過ぎるようになった?

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No. ~ようになる is derived from the Kanji 様 (よう). 様子 means “condition” or “status”. 様態 means “mode”. As you can find in example sentences on 英辞郎, ~ようになる is preceded by a verb (either active or passive) because ~ようになる highlights the change in (the quality of) action, not change in status.

僕の髪は長過ぎるようになった = My hair was turning itself into the condition of being too long.

The English sentence sounds wordy and awkward so as your alternative Japanese sentence does. 長すぎる is not a verb but an adjective.

For your future reference, I give you correct and natural sentences with the phrase ~ようになる.

トムの息子は歩けるようになった。= (lit.) Tom’s son transformed himself into the condition of a walkable man. = Tom’s son became to be able to walk.

日本語で書かれたこの本が分かるようになった。= (lit.) I became a person who is in the condition of understanding this book written in Japanese. = Now I can understand this book in Japanese.

メアリ―は人の意見に頼りすぎるようになった。= (lit.) Mary turned herself into a person being in the condition of relying on others’ opinions too much.

Unlike 長すぎる, 頼りすぎる is 頼る (to rely; a verb) + すぎる.

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