
English Translation

That is just her way.

Is there no の needed before 流?

No. You cannot insert の.

あの選手は我流で技術を極めた。(あのせんしゅはがりゅうでぎじゅつをきわめた) = The athlete mastered the technique by himself with no instruction from others.

この踊り方は藤間流です。(このおどりかたはふじまりゅうです) = This dancing pattern is from the Fujima School. (Note: One of the big five schools of 日本舞踊 is Fujima.)

流 has two pronunciations: りゅう in On Yomi; and なが(れる) in Kun Yomi. As you probably know, 音読み is frequently used to form a compound noun (熟語). 流 as a single Kanji cannot stand alone. Another word is required before or after 流. If you insert Particle の between another word and 流, it is no longer 熟語. の as a possessive noun divides the two words. So, you cannot insert の.

In other words, what you were trying to do is like inserting の into 小学校 (elementary school) or 中国語 (Chinese language). We don’t say 小学校 and 中国語 so as we don’t say 彼女の流, 我の流 and 藤間の流.

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