
English Translation

I feel like throwing up.

Why is 気 pronounced like け in this sentence?

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Good question.

気がする is an expression meaning “too feel like” or “to be in a mood”, and 気 would be read as usual, but 吐き気 is a single word with the meaning of “nausea”.

気 can be read in at least three ways, although I think キ (on-yomi) is by far the most common, it can be read as ケ as well, or いき in its kun-yomi form.

I don’t know the reason this word uses the ケ pronunciation (or the kanji, for that matter)…

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Please don’t try to seek a universal rule of pronunciations and to standardize them. They were developed in an irrational way so as UK has many irregular location names like “Leicester”, “Tottenham” and “Greenwich”. Rather, get more familiar with the sounds by speaking out many times.

Here are similar patterns of 吐き気 that you may also want to memorize.

  • 寒気 (さむけ) = chillness ==> e.g., 風邪を引いたのか、寒気がする。(I have a slight chill probably because I caught a cold.)

  • 眠気 (ねむけ) = sleepiness ==> e.g., 眠気覚ましにコーヒーを1杯飲んだ。(I had a cup of coffee to wake myself up.)

  • 粘り気 (ねばりけ) = stickiness ==> e.g., 粘り気が出るまでミキサーで撹拌してください。(Beat it with an electrical blender until it gets sticky.)