English Translation
I like him all the better for his faults.
is the meaning of ゆえに(故に) similar to that of 結果?
“X の結果、…” = “As a result of X, …”
Or, perhaps から or ので is a closer synonym.
I like him all the better for his faults.
is the meaning of ゆえに(故に) similar to that of 結果?
“X の結果、…” = “As a result of X, …”
Or, perhaps から or ので is a closer synonym.
Before taking your question, I need to say that the original Japanese sentence (ID: 175946) sounds very unnatural sourced from notorious Tanaka Corpus… There is another translation available on Tatoeba from the same English sentence (ID: 107903):
ID: 107903 is still a bit wordy, but it sounds natural. It’s better to drop the first 彼は and simply say:
欠点があるからかえって私は彼が好きなのだ (or 彼を好きになった).
You can find many fine examples with the expression かえって on 英辞郎.
故に or ゆえに doesn’t mean “as a result of X” but “because of X”. You cannot replace 故に with 結果として because “as a result of X” doesn’t necessarily mean that there is a strong cause-effect relation. It merely means there is a sequential consequence. You can replace 故に with だから, から, ので or が理由で. We sometimes spell なぜ (why) as 何故 in Kanji. So, I hope you get it.
The Kanji 故 has several meanings:
Each of them looks so different, but all of them actually share the same connotation: “traceability”. The first meaning is “to go back to the history”. The second one is “root-cause” or “sharing the same root”. The third is “a bad chain reaction”.
Let me explain why the original Japanese sentence sounds awful: (ID: 175946) “欠点ゆえにそれだけいっそう彼が好きだ。”