
English Translation

A tall building was built next to my house.

I expected 建てられた here, not 立てられた.

But since it is a tall buiilding… Maybe 立てられる could be a fitting image as well, since the building is being erected, or put up…

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建 is the right Kanji because it was constructed. 立, on the other hand, means “to stand up”. 立 is used when the subject has already existed, and the position is now changed (e.g. lie down —> stand up.) The building was constructed from scratch, so you cannot use 立.

However, 建てられた still sounds unnatural because the passive form means that I am the victim and I didn’t want that high building next to my house. In other words, 〜られた in this sentence structure means “I was FORCED to have that high building next to my house.”

The sentence should be:


It doesn’t matter who built the high building. So, 建つ functions as an intransitive verb.


Thank you for your detailed answer.

I didn’t know about the nuance given by the passive form, and so far I didn’t know about 建つ, but it makes sense.

I cannot give you a general rule for all verbs, but I can tell you at least that 建てられた in a passive form has two meanings: A) causative and B) benefactive. 私の家の隣に高いビルが建てられた is most likely to be interpreted as A.

Here is an example sentence of B:

このモニュメントは終戦を記念して建てられた。= This monument was erected in remembrance of the end of the war.

There is no hater of this monument, so 建てられた here functions as B) benefactive (in order to commemorate the end of the war).

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