Σε πειράζει αν απενεργοποιήσω την τηλεόραση;

English Translation

Do you mind if I turn down the TV?

The Greek ανενεργοποιήσω probably means ‘turn off’ and not ‘turn down’. I can’t find any example of this verb being used for ‘turn down’, i.e., ‘lower the volume’.

English Translation

Do you mind if I turn off the TV?

Another note: This sentence was added to Tatoeba by a self-reported non-native speaker. More common translations for απενεργοποιήσει might be ‘deactivate’, ‘decommission’, ‘disable’; I.e., it’s a more formal term. I don’t think it would be used for turning off a TV. I’d use Σε πειράζει αν κλείσω την τηλεόραση.