
English Translation

He is a complete stranger to me.

Trying to translate on my own, i get:

“He is a person that does not know everything about me.”

But I know that often, in negative sentences, words have the opposite meaning that one would expect.

So this may well mean

“He is a person that knows nothing about me”.

So… can anyone clarify this for me?


The original English sentence is collapsed. Clicking it to expand made me feel nervous like opening a Pandora’s box. After expanding it, it turned out that it’s a Pandora’s box. I should’ve not opened it, hahaha.

Anyway, the original Japanese sentence sounds unnatural, and it doesn’t match the English sentence. We don’t say 知らない「人」だ in this context. Drop 人 from this sentence.

彼は私の全てまでは知らない。= He knows about part of me, but not all.

彼は私のことを全く知らない。(まったく) = He knows nothing about me. Zero. → 分かってない (わかってない) sounds more natural.

彼は赤の他人です。(あかのたにん) or 私は彼と縁もゆかりもありません。(えんもゆかりも) = He is a complete stranger.

I don’t know why, but we sometimes use 赤 (red) to exaggerate the degree. The same rule is applied to 赤っ恥をかく (= totally embarrass myself) and 真っ赤な嘘だ (= it’s completely a lie).