
English Translation

He is easily flattered.

Is this read ちょうししゃ as in the hint or ちょうしもの ?

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おちょうしもの is the correct pronunciation. The same pattern is found in 正直者 (しょうじきもの) = honest and ethical person, 怠け者 (なまけもの) = lazy person, and 厄介者 (やっかいもの) = pain-in-the-a**.

All the abovementioned nouns are a type of personality. In this case, 者 is often pronounced もの in Kun yomi.

A compound noun ended with 者 is pronounced しゃ when the word is a type of role or job position such as 研究者 (けんきゅうしゃ) = researcher, and 傍観者 (ぼうかんしゃ) = bystander/passive observer.