
English Translation

I took part in the athletic meeting.

Is an “athletic meeting” in this case a competition?

Another bad translations from Tanaka Corpus…
As you guessed, 競技会 isn’t a meeting. It usually means a sports competition or tournament, but we sometimes use the term also for other contests in general where participants demonstrate their abilities/skills and compete with each other to win.

English Translation

I took part in the athletic meeting.

However, “athletic meet” (not “meeting”) is perfectly correct American English. New Oxford American Dictionary: “meet, noun: an organized event at which a number of races or other sporting contests are held, [such as] a swim meet.”

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Thank you for your input. Let me make my previous comment clearer.

競技会 is not limited to an athletic one. For example, 国際ロボット競技会 is a competition event where robot engineers present their products. Another example is コントラクト・ブリッジ競技会 (a card game competition). So, the English translation doesn’t match the Japanese term 競技会.

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