
English Translation

Why do humans laugh? That’s quite a difficult problem.

This is a very problematic sentence posted by a non-native speaker on Tatoeba. The original author is Kunio Kishida (1890 - 1954). His works are all in the public domain, so it’s free to use. But the writing style is too old like Shakespeare… I don’t recommend Japanese learners to memorize sentences from Kunio Kishida’s works – All sentences from his works are tagged here.

  • なか/\ ==> We don’t use /\ anymore. It should be なかなか.

  • むつかしい (mutsukashii) is a dialect mainly in the Western area of Japan (e.g. Osaka and Fukuoka). The standard pronunciation is むずかしい (muzukashii). And むずかしい should be spelled as 難しい in Kanji. Please note, however, that むつかしい is still used by some native speakers, according to a research by the Ministry of Education and Culture.

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