English Translation
The good thing about this electronic dictionary is that it’s easy to carry.
Is this an idiomatic expression?
The good thing about this electronic dictionary is that it’s easy to carry.
Is this an idiomatic expression?
Yes, 味噌(みそ)is a frequent analogical expression. It originally means a traditional ingredient for Japanese cuisine. It’s very tasty. So, 味噌 also means “key selling points”, “core values” or “essence”.
You may also want to memorize another idiom: 手前味噌(てまえみそ), which means “self-praise” with a bit humble nuance.
手前みそで恐縮ですが、当社の製品は世界トップクラスの品質です。(てまえみそできょうしゅくですが、とうしゃのせいひんはせかいトップクラスのひんしつです)= I might look like a show-off, but our company offers best-in-class products.
You can spell 手前味噌 also as in 手前みそ (Hiragana) or 手前ミソ (Katakana) when you use it for an analogy.