
English Translation

She has caught up with you in every respect.

追いついた is unnatural because it means “she hunted after and caught you” in this context. Dictionaries often translate “to catch up with” as ~に追いつく, but it doesn’t work here.


肩を並べる literally means “your shoulders are on par with mine”. So, it means “you and I are on the same level of capabilities/achievements etc.”.

It’s better to replace あらゆる点 with あらゆる面. 点 is a dot whereas 面 is a two-dimensional face (of a cube etc.) We usually say 面 when we talk about a certain area of expertise etc.

至る means “to be resulted in”. あらゆる面で、彼女は君と肩を並べた。(i.e. dropping 至る) also works, but I personally prefer to emphasis on “has done” (present perfect form) with 至る.