
Hungarian Translation

Éppen telefonon beszélek.

Is this translation correct?It seems like the Japanese is “the line is busy” whereas the Hungarian is “I am talking on the phone”…

I can’t say anything to the Hungarian sentence, but the Japanese sentence means either “the line is busy (because someone else is using it)”, or “I (or someone) am talking over the phone and not available right now”.

Tom’s subordinate: Hello, is Tom available?

Tom’s secretary: Sorry but he is 電話中です.

In this context, 電話中 means “to be talking over the phone”.

“The line is busy” is more likely to be translated as 通話中です (つうわちゅうです) instead of 電話中です although both are natural.

Thank you for your most helpful reply and other informative comments!!! So based on what you are saying, I think the translation is alright. I am fairly confident saying that the Hungarian means literally, “I am talking on the phone”, implying busy, which you say is a reasonable interpretation of 電話中です.

Again, thanks, as a native Japanese speaker it is so helpful to read your comments!

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