
English Translation

It is sometimes very difficult for parents to educate their children.

Very unnatural translation, especially the ~すること (gerund) part. We also never say 教育すること + 困難な. My alternative translation is:


子育て (a noun) is a frequent term you should definitely memorize. 子育て literally means “raising their kids”, which includes not only feeding but also educating social manners and common sense.

苦労する means “to go through hard times”. 苦労 consists of 苦い(にがい = bitter)and 労力(ろうりょく = effort).
苦労する in this context is interchangeable with 苦戦する. 苦戦する = 苦い and 戦う(たたかう = fight). So, 苦戦する means “to struggle”.
If their kids make too many serious troubles, 苦戦する is probably better.

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