
English Translation

Nowadays more and more people prefer country life to city life.

The Japanese translation is NOT wrong, but repeating 暮らし twice sounds redundant to my native ears. We usually avoid such a redundancy.

Also, 今日では(こんにちでは)sounds awkward in this context. My alternative translation is:


田舎暮らし(いなからし)sounds more natural than 田舎の暮らし(いなかのくらし) although 田舎の暮らし is not wrong.
今日では is replaced with 最近は(さいきんは) or 昨今は(さっこんは). 昨今 sounds more formal than 最近は. TV news programs usually 最近は in this context whereas 昨今は is better for writings.
ますます多くなっている is wordy in Japanese. 増えている means “to be increasing”.

You can spell 都会暮らし or 田舎暮らし as 都会暮し or 田舎暮し (i.e. dropping ら, but the pronunciation is the same). Both are correct spellings, according to the Agency for Cultural Affairs at the Ministry of Education and Science – ACA is the government body responsible for Japanese language standardization.