
English Translation

Everyone is more or less conceited.

大なり = おおなり but 小なり = しょうなり?why is 大 read.in 訓読み but 小 read in 音読み?

大なり小なり should be pronounced as だいなりしょうなり.

By the way, 大なり小なり sounds unnatural a bit in this sentence. My alternative translation is:


Below is my own opinion and may not be widely agreeable among other native speakers.

多少の describes the amount or degree of a certain condition.

大なり小なり is frequently used when the speaker concludes that “there is no significant difference”. For example, 誰にでも大なり小なり夢はある = Everyone has a sort of dream. Some have big dreams, and some do small ones. I don’t care about the scale, but my point is everyone has one.

自惚れ is a type of personality or condition.
夢 as a noun is not a state of mind or condition. If you replace 夢 with 夢見がちなところ (a dreamy personality), you can treat it the same as 自惚れ, and thereby 多少の works as a proper collocation.