Just finished it.
How does 仕上がる differ in connotation from 終わる?
Just finished it.
How does 仕上がる differ in connotation from 終わる?
仕上がる (intransitive verb) or 仕上げる (transitive verb) is often used when you complete creating deliverables – e.g. 壁の塗装を仕上げる (I finished painting the walls); レポートを仕上げる (I’ve written up the report); 仕上げにケーキの上に粉砂糖をまぶす (I frost icing sugar over the cake ← frosting sugar is the last process of making a cake).
The image of 仕上げる is 仕事 (work/task) + 上げる (to lift up). A servant kneels in front of a king, and hands over a deliverable to the king for review.
You cannot replace 終わる with 仕上がる in the following sentences:
野球の試合が終わったばかりだ。= The baseball game is just over.
私たちの関係は終わりよ! = We (as a romantic couple) are done!
Those subjects are not deliverables.