
Time flies.

You could also use 過ごす in place of 過ぎる, right? How do the two differ? Is one transitive, and the other one not?

過ごす means “to spend time on something” or “to live”. – e.g. 私は次の休暇を沖縄で過ごすつもりだ = I will be relaxed in Okinawa on the next holiday.

過ぎる means “to pass by”, “to be overdue”, or “to exceed the limit”.

You cannot say 時が過ごす. It sounds like “Time spends time”.

The original Japanese sentence is grammatically broken and sounds unnatural, though. “Time flies” is always translated as:

光陰矢の如し(こういんやのごとし) Note: this is a proverb every Japanese knows.

時が経つのは早い。(ときがたつのははやい) Note: You can use this phrase in a daily conversation.