
English Translation

Americans spend most of their lives working, being productive.

Is this a common and natural way of saying “being productive”? How does it differ from 「生産的になっている」?

Americans spend most of their lives working, being productive.

The Japanese-English pair doesn’t match. And the Japanese original one sounds very unnatural…

アメリカ人は人生のほとんどを働き、生産しながら過ごす。= “Americans work during most of their lives, and they spend a spare time while producing something.”

生産しながら過ごす suggests that the speaker of this sentence regards Americans as a machine or a chicken to lay eggs :b My alternative translation is:


生産的になっている (proposed by ericaw) also sounds unnatural. ~的になっている means “a person is becoming more ~” (i.e. illustrate the ongoing change). Also, アメリカ人 + 生産的になる is not the right collocation for the same reason as the machine/chicken analogy.