
English Translation

All the accepted notions and prejudices about flesh being pink.

There is no such expression as 慨世観念. I guess the author mixed it up with 既成概念(きせいがいねん)or 固定概念(こていがいねん).

慨世(がいせい)alone means “to be furious about the recent bad trend in the world/society”. See also:

The Kanji 慨, meaning “to weep and hate”, is also frequently used as in 憤慨する(ふんがいする), which means “get very angry”.

既成(きせい)of 既成概念 means “to be already formed/established”. So, 既成概念 is a common perception.

固定(こてい)of 固定概念 means “to be fixed”. So, 固定概念 is closer to “prejudices held by someone or a society for a long time”