
“He attended the meeting” is a less nuanced translation.

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Less nuanced than what?

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It seems the original translation was “He presented himself at the meeting.”

English Translation

He attended the meeting.

The original JP-EN sentence pair is correct. They should stay as they are. Or, “participated in” is also a good alternative translation to “attended” in this context due to the variety of meanings of 会.

As a native Japanese speaker, I can also assure all of you that the Japanese sentence sounds natural.

会 can be 会議 (meeting for discussion), 懇親会 (mixer), 歓迎会 (welcome party), 委員会 (committee itself of meeting among committee members), 年次総会 (annual assembly meeting) and so on. 会 is basically a “gathering”. “He” might be just one of the guests who attended the gathering (i.e. not involved in the process). Or, he might participated in the meeting and casted his vote on a proposal.