Tom wrzucił do herbaty dwie kostki cukru.(Sentence Note & Question)

  • wrzucić cę ‑cisz pf, impf wrzucać do+G = throw into

Hi, some advice please … The English CM translation is ‘Tom put two sugar cubes in his tea’. I’ve only encountered ‘wrzucić’ in connection with ‘to throw’ (or ‘to insert’, if followed by the Accusative). In this context, wrzcuic is followed by a Gen. prep suggesting that Tom did into fact throw two sugar cubes into his tea, which although possible, does seem likely. Can ‘wrzucić’ also mean to simply put something into something? Or has it perhaps been used out of context in the Polish original sentence? Would ‘dodał’ have been better here? Thanks!

Yes, “wrzucić” is pretty much the only verb which fits into this context.

“Wrzucić” (as opposed to “włożyć” or “dodać”) is used when putting a handful of objects / pieces of something into a liquid, even if you’re simply letting them fall rather than forcefully throwing them in there.

If you’re adding a loose substance (such as pasta, granulated sugar or flour) to a liquid, the proper verb is usually “wsypać”. If you’re pouring liquid into a liquid, you’d say “wlać”.


Thanks, I must admit, I wasn’t expecting that reply!

It seems to be quite a specific action, requiring a specific verb. I’ll try my best to remember that one (and the other verbs, for adding items to liquids), cheers!