Tom veut que nous espérions.

The translation given is “Tom wants us to wait.”

Does “esperions” mean to wait? I thought it meant “hope”.

Apparently in Cajun French, espérer can mean to wait – according to the Wiktionary entry.

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Per French wiktionary, espérer can mean “to wait” in the sense of “wait for someone.”

This isn’t too surprising, as its Spanish/Portuguese cognate, esperar, can mean both “to hope” and “to wait.”

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Native French here. Please never use this verb to mean “to wait”.

It should indeed be Tom veut que nous attendions.

Probably 1% will understand “espérer” as “to wait”. It never appears in news, books, TV, movies nor anywhere else beside wherever this was created.

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Thank you, Kalzem. I wish they would give you or someone like you authority to change some of these sentences as people raise these issues!