English Translation
My wife is cooking.
tenpo ni - This translates to "this time" or "now." The word "tenpo" means "time," and "ni" means "this." Together, they specify the time context for the action.
la - This word is used to connect a time or condition with the main sentence. It serves as a separator, indicating that what comes before it sets the context for what follows.
meli mi - This means "my wife" or "my woman." The word "meli" means "woman" or "female," and "mi" means "my" or "I." Together, they indicate a female person related to the speaker (in this case, the speaker's wife or female partner).
li - This word acts as a separator between the subject and the verb in Toki Pona sentences. It's used when the subject is not "mi" (I) or "sina" (you).
seli e moku - "seli" means "to heat" or "to cook," and "moku" means "food" or "to eat." The particle "e" introduces the direct object of the verb. So, "seli e moku" means "to cook the food" or "is cooking food."
Putting it all together:
tenpo ni la: At this time,
meli mi: my wife
li: (is)
seli e moku: cooking food.
So, the entire sentence “tenpo ni la meli mi li seli e moku.” translates to “At this time, my wife is cooking food.”
In summary:
"tenpo ni" sets the time context as "now."
"la" connects this time context to the main action.
"meli mi" identifies the subject as "my wife."
"li" links the subject to the verb.
"seli e moku" describes the action of cooking food.