Su padre ha smesso di fumare di recente.

English Translation

His father has quit smoking recently.

His father has quit smoking recently.I don’t think this is correct? I think it should be “Suo padre…”
If you click on “explain” it says:
“Su padre:
Su: This is a possessive adjective meaning “his” or “her.” In Italian, possessive adjectives agree in gender and number with the noun they modify, not with the possessor. Since “padre” (father) is masculine and singular, “suo” in its form “su” is the correct choice.”

I’ve never come across this before - is AI trying to pull the wool over my eyes?!


Ciao! Our madrelingua tells us that “su padre” is a “toscanismo” and “suo” is correct.

English Translation

His father has quit smoking recently.

It’s simply a typo. “Suo” is correct.

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