"Sono stronzate"

Hey guys… sorry for the profanity. But profanity is language too. Even if I’m not using it, I’d like to know what it means if I hear someone say it. Clozemaster translates this sentence as “That’s bullshit!” To my ear, “That’s bullshit” would either be “è una stronzata” or “questa è una stronzata” or “cazzata”. “Sono stronzate” sound to me like “they’re bullshit”.

Reverso also shows sentences containing “sono stronzate”. Is this a fixed expression? Is there a difference between “è una stronzata” and “sono stronzate”? How can I understand this better?

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Ciao! Interestingly for “That’s bullshit” Reverso gives both *questa è una stronzata and *sono stronzata. It is handy to know these things. I once earned a reduced price gondola ride because I understood a word or two! :wink:


“Sono stronzate.” is just plural of “è una stronzata”, so it would be used to refer to multiple things that are bullshit.


“Non è vero che perso il mio portafoglio, è una stronzata.”
“It’s not true I lost my wallet, it’s bullshit.”

“Mi ha dato due ragioni per fare in un certo modo, ma sono entrambe stronzate.”
“He gave me two reasons to do things a certain way, but both are bullshit.”


Welcome, and mille grazie @flux


That’s all correct, but I think we should add that “stronzata” is not used only in this meaning.

“Stronzata” means “something a stronzo may do or say”.

“Stronzo” when referring to a person, may indicate someone that is stupid, or selfish and bad, or just a victim of circumstances (“Mi ha lasciato lì come uno stronzo” - He/she left me hanging there without any regard).

In addition to the bullshit/lie meaning, there is also “a stupid thing”, or a “bad/selfish thing”:

“Ho fatto una stronzata!” implies “I did something stupid (that I now regret)”.

On the other hand “Ha fatto una delle sue stronzate” may refer to some action to get some personal advantage to the expense of someone else (maybe this overlaps with the bullshit meaning a bit more).


Why is the Italian sentence “Non lo fa, vero?” translated as “You don’t do it, do you?” instead of something like “He/she didn’t do it, right?” ?

Benvenuto! I wonder if it is intended to be more Formal? Aspettiamo;-)

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You’re right! I forgot that Lei uses the same verb form as he/she/it. Grazie!

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Prego! Whenever I’m befuddled, I think Formal? or Passato Remoto? Lol!

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