Dreaming with honey is very different than dreaming with bees.
The English sentence has been corrected on Tatoeba to “dreaming of” (both times).
However, my main interest was to discover if this was some sort of expression, and in which language, and what it might mean (besides the obvious of them indeed being quite different things, especially for those who aren’t too keen on bees).
The sentence seems to have been originally added in Spanish by a Chilean person, but a quick internet search did not manage to reveal any obvious expression or saying, just lots of pages about literal interpretations of “What can it mean when honey/bees appear in your dreams?”.
Dreaming with honey is very different than dreaming with bees.
If you use Google to translate “Dreaming of honey is very different from dreaming of bees,” you get “Soñar con miel es muy diferente a soñar con abejas.” If you then translate that into Italian, you get our sentence. If you translate it directly from English, you get,.“Dreaming of honey is very different from dreaming of bees.” I think someone is playing a game of telephone.
@morbrorper yes, your proposed solution works.
You may also say “Sognare miele è diverso dal sognare api” or “Sognare di miele è diverso dal sognare di api”.
In this case “di” would best be translated with “about”.
I would endorse the idea that we are talking about dreaming about bees or honey. And if you are into dream interpretation (I’m skeptical) there is this discussion of this exact subject: Sognare le api: ecco cosa significa | DonnaD