Sie war glücklich, dass sich ihr Traum erfüllt hat.

English Translation

She was happy for having realized her dream.

She was happy that she had fulfilled her dream.

One thing to notice is that the English sentence …

… uses the active voice and the German translation uses the passive voice.

If you want to stick to the active voice and stay true to the mentioned English sentence when translating from English to German, I suggest these German translations (in the active voice):

  • Sie war glücklich darüber, sich ihren Traum erfüllt zu haben.
  • Sie war glücklich, da sie sich ihren Traum erfüllt hatte.

True. I was focusing on replacing “happy for having realized” with the less awkward “happy that she had fulfilled” and didn’t think about the mismatch between active and passive (expressed in German as impersonal reflexive). Otherwise, I would have written:

She was happy that her dream had been fulfilled.

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Yes, that’s correct.

I translated from English (active voice) to German (and kept the active voice).

If you want to translate from German (passive voice) to English (and keep the passive voice), your translation that I quoted is how to translate it.

I think the volunteers at Tatoeba were a bit too careless when they linked the German and English sentences, not noticing that the translator had changed the voice.