Sie hört auf ihn.

English Translation

She listens to him.

Is the use of the preposition “auf” with hören common?

Sie hört ihn. - She hears him. (i.e. her ears can pick him up)
Sie hört ihm zu. - She listens to him. (“zuhören”, like listening to music)
Sie hört auf ihn. - She listens to him. (i.e. does what he says, or heeds his advice)

For the second meaning, english would probably use the progressive here: “She is listening to him”. So because it’s the simple present, the third meaning is more likely, and “Sie hört auf ihn” is the better translation.

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Brilliant! I never would have thought of the third meaning, which is still just 'listens to him." Vielen Dank.

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Not to be confused with the verb “aufhören”, which means “to stop/cease” :wink: