English Translation
She has an eye for the beautiful.
I’m confused about how adjectives undergo Nominalisierung in German. You usually see them ending with “es” when this happens:
Er hat etwas Lustiges gesagt = He said something funny
Ich habe etwas Schönes gesehen = I saw something beautiful
Ich habe etwas Interessantes gelernt = I learned something interesting.
But in this clozemaster example, we see “für das Schöne”… why not “für das Schönes”?
I’ve read through this link and found it a little helpful, but I’m still not sure I understand 100% how this works with adjectives: https://dein-sprachcoach.de/nominalisierung-klingt-kompliziert-ist-aber-einfach/ - does the “es” ending only appear when using Mengenangaben als “Signalwörter”?