English Translation
If you want to stay here, you are welcome to.
Sometimes I see “il est le bienvenu,” for example. Are both acceptable? Any nuance between the two?
If you want to stay here, you are welcome to.
Sometimes I see “il est le bienvenu,” for example. Are both acceptable? Any nuance between the two?
I would have used an article here:
Si vous voulez rester ici, vous êtes le bienvenu. (you are talking to a man)
Si vous voulez rester ici, vous êtes la bienvenue. (you are talking to a woman)
Si vous voulez rester ici, vous êtes les bienvenus. (you are talking to 2+ people)
I would use “bienvenue”, without article, when starting a sentence:
Bienvenue chez moi!
Bienvenue à tous!
Bienvenue en France!
It’s kind of a set phrase/expression, and when used this way, “bienvenue” is invariable.