Seine Einstellung ist inspirierend.

English Translation

His positive attitude is inspiring.

Can “Einstellung” be directly translated to “positive attitude”? I thought it is neutral and there are actually “positive Einstellung” and “negative Einstellung”.


You’re right. The translator did a sloppy job and omitted a word (“positive”).

The German sentence should be “Seine positive Einstellung ist inspirierend”.

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English Translation

His positive attitude is inspiring.

Given that a negative attitude wouldn’t be inspirational, could the translator have thought that ‘positive’ was implied?

Yes, when applying the knowledge you gain through using Clozemaster in the real world, you’d probably say just “Seine Einstellung ist inspirierend” rather than “Seine positive Einstellung ist inspirierend” as (like you say) the “positive” is implied.

But—at least in my personal opinion—the goal of Clozemaster, or rather the translators of its source material, should be to translate sentences as true to the original as possible without introducing their own biases (for example, by omitting words). If the English sentence contained the word “positive”, then the German translation should contain it too. Otherwise you will end up with questions like in this topic. If you want to omit and imply that word in your own daily conversion is of course an entirely different matter and up to you. But omitting words when you’re supposed to include them is sloppy.

English Translation

His positive attitude is inspiring.

I feel the same frustration. But these questions and objections about the translations do make one stop and ponder the sentence further, rather than just ‘getting it’.

English Translation

His positive attitude is inspiring.

Thanks to these discussions, I think I do keep the word in mind right now.

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