Sei bugiardo come Giuda.

English Translation

You lie like a rug.

On this sentence in both languages I will happily press the “ignore” button.

I didn’t know either version, but indeed, I would also never use either one.


Strangely I find the rug version just a bit silly, probaby used by someone hoping to impress but the Judas comment is at least factual. It didn’t offend me, I’ve had cause to think it even if I didn’t use it. I don’t get offended by any of Cloze’s often non-pc phrases, there are far worse than this;-)


I am with Floria7 here. It is a long way from “I wouldn’t use it” to “it’s offensive, I erase it”.

Futhermore, in a language learning system being offensive is not a good argument for not including it.
After all, to decide whether I consider something offensive, I have to understand it. I am not sure, whether I would have understand these phrases in conversation without seing it here before.


When I come across the sentences like these, I think : “I am in a learning place and my mind is in a memorizing mode, and if my mind decides to memorize it ,and I might accidently use it , I will get my face slapped”. Ultimately, it is my choice when and how to use “ignore” button or put the sentences like these in the perpetual favorites and run them non-stop. My choice.

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I have never heard the English version, but I don’t get why the rug comparison is making a worse insult.

The insulting part is the accusation of being a liar, the accompanying comparison is supposed to add strength to it, but it is not the principal part.

You can use “Sei un Giuda” (You are a Judas) or “Giuda!” on its own to accuse someone (seriously or not) of being a lying traitor.


Ciao @mike-lima The rug version isn’t offensive at all, just a bit corny;-)


Thanks, Mike! I misread the sentence…