Really appreciating knowing a foreign language at the moment

With current world events, I’m really appreciating being able to watch and read the French news to better understand the situation in Europe. I live in Australia, where we’re a little behind Europe in the spread of coronavirus and associated restrictions.

Before I started using Clozemaster, my understanding of spoken French wasn’t good enough to follow TV programs. Extensive use of your “Listening” feature has done a lot to change that. Many thanks for helping me improve!


Hi.I really like your post. I’m very new here and I regularly see your avatar. I’m nervous to get it wrong on the forum so may I ask how I add my avatar and generally use the forum. Hopefully this reply will work. My best to you.

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Click on your avatar in the upper right corner, then on the settings wheel (next to the bookmarks and messages icons) and then on the pen symbol next to ‘Profile Picture’.

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Click on your avatar in the upper right corner, then on the settings wheel (next to the bookmarks and messages icons) and then on the pen symbol next to ‘Profile Picture’.

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Thank you. You are most kind.

Hello and welcome. I’m no expert on using the forum myself - I didn’t mean to put this post in the “Uncategorised” category! You can reply to posts, add new posts yourself or use the heart button to show your agreement with other people’s posts. It’s worth joining in the discussion if you have questions or there are features you want to see, since the creator of Clozemaster (@mike) reads many of the posts and is quite responsive to new feature requests.

Hi dlobok, thanks for avatar info, so easy when you know how, just needed that extra confidence. :+1::grin:

And thanks kadrian for the welcome. I’m so enjoying the transition from Duo, and it’s great to hear the familiar Italian Duo “voices” of “Carla” and “Giorgio”. Revision is my only concern right now but I’m learning how to handle it. This really is a fabulous language site!

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