ra poi fetsi cu djuno no da pe mi

English Translation

She doesn’t know anything about me.

This sentence in Lojban language translates to “The woman who I know knows nothing about me” in English.

Let’s break it down:

  1. “ra”: It is the Lojban equivalent of “he/she,” referring to a previously mentioned subject or object. In this case, it refers to a particular woman.

  2. “poi fetsi”: It translates to “who is a woman” or “which is female.”

  3. “cu”: It’s a short, untranslatable word that separates the subject from its predicate (the sentence detail).

  4. “djuno”: It means “knows.”

  5. “no da”: It translates to “no who”, or “nobody,” emphasizing the absence of a person.

  6. “pe mi”: The preposition “pe” implies possession or association, coupled with “mi” translates to “about me”.

So, putting it all together, “ra poi fetsi cu djuno no da pe mi” means “The one who is a woman knows no one associated with me” or in a more natural English translation, “The woman whom I know knows nothing about me.”

Remember, Lojban is a constructed, syntactically unambiguous language, which may structurally differ from natural languages, but it’s fairly consistent, and understanding its grammar can be quite logical and straightforward.